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I have ridden since I was a little girl, and got my first pony when I was 14.

I have never been in a position where I was able to buy a "made" horse, so I have had to buy young unbroken horses, and train them up myself. This is also why we started breeding, and it has been a magical journey - it has been a lot of hard work, but nothing can describe the feeling of training a horse you saw take its first breath, its first steps and have its first drink....

I have competed in Prix St. George & Intermediare on my old horse, Loretto.... I bought him when he was 3, and had him for 12 years. He then went on to be a school master for a young girl that needed an easy horse to learn on, and he is now retired from competition, as he was born in 2001.

Some horses will test you, some will teach you.... and some will bring out the best in you.... 

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